CPR / 2 posts found
The Best Things to Have in Your First Aid Kit During a Pandemic
The ready-made kits that you can buy at the store or online are packed with the basic items needed during a regular first aid emergency situation. They are not prepared for pandemics, so you’ll need to make sure that your kit has what will come in handy during a viral health situation like bird flu or Ebola. Every first aid kit should have at least the basics when you buy it – but you can build onto that kit by adding what it’s lacking. You can find some first aid kits that are specifically built for pandemic use – or […]
Before, During And After Disaster Preparedness Tips
Disaster can strike anytime Disaster can strike anytime. And worse is if it strikes you and your family, the damages could be overwhelming. Emergency plans and effective disaster management is just some of the best ways you can prepare your folks from the worst case scenarios. But what if all emergency skills you have been learning are applicable only prior to a disaster occurrence. Would you know how to deal, respond and survive during and after a disaster? As a protector of your family, learn these before, during and after disaster preparedness tips. Photo Credit Prepare Your Emergency Kit A […]