The Elite Survivalist
Traveling Safely in a World of Ebola Outbreaks
Your daily routine can’t come to a standstill just because there is a serious Ebola outbreak going on. You still have to conduct business and earn what you need to take care of yourself and your family. If you have loved ones who live internationally, you’ll still want to be able to go and see them. However, in this age of viruses that can be so easily transmitted, you want to make sure that you travel safely. That means being smart about every step you take in your travel itinerary. First, one of the easiest ways that any virus, especially […]
Tracking Outbreaks to Protect Your Family from Danger
In the areas where Ebola is the most active, there are several organizations keeping an eye on the virus, ready to report any big changes. The virus left its area of origin and has spread across the country. Some cases made it out of the country to other countries. The news has dutifully tracked this. You also need to track the outbreaks. When the Ebola virus or pandemics like it hit an area, the masses need to know what’s going on. Otherwise, you’re operating in the dark and you could end up accidentally heading into an area that’s become a […]
The Best Things to Have in Your First Aid Kit During a Pandemic
The ready-made kits that you can buy at the store or online are packed with the basic items needed during a regular first aid emergency situation. They are not prepared for pandemics, so you’ll need to make sure that your kit has what will come in handy during a viral health situation like bird flu or Ebola. Every first aid kit should have at least the basics when you buy it – but you can build onto that kit by adding what it’s lacking. You can find some first aid kits that are specifically built for pandemic use – or […]
Stock Up on Vitamins to Boost Your Immune System
During stressful situations, your immune system will naturally become stressed and this can make you more vulnerable to infection. It’s important to stock up on vitamins that will help your immune system stay in tip top shape. Vitamin C as immune booster Vitamin C is known for its immune boosting effects. Keeping a supply of it onhand can help you stave off illness. Vitamin C, though, isn’t the only vitamin that will help you and many scientists believe that vitamin C works in connection with other vitamins but isn’t as effective alone. Selenium is a mineral that’s been shown in […]
Start Building a Work at Home Business to Support Your Loved Ones
If the world becomes infected with an airborne illness or highly contagious disease such as Ebola, you may find that it’s impossible to do many of the things you would normally do for work. It may be too hazardous to actually travel to an office and you may find that you need to look for alternatives to work at home. Working online can be a simple way for you to earn basic income when you’re not able to keep your usual routine. Start an online business If you have a good computer and Internet connection, there are many things you […]
Preparing for Water Stores in the Event of a Pandemic
If things go bad, you may lose the ability to have water in your home the way that you’ve always depended on it in the past. In a pandemic, a water supply can suddenly become unusable. The water supply can become compromised at any time. This is why you often see those boil advisories on the news. You need to be prepared by stockpiling water as soon as possible. The water must be stored away from any direct sunlight Warm water is an invitation for bacteria to grow and has the potential to make you sick. So you’ll need to […]
Laundering Your Clothes By Hand
The electric washing machine and dryer are time and labor saving devices, but they’ve only been around for the masses for about 60 years. For thousands of years before that people had to do their laundry by hand. If you’re ever in a survival situation and don’t have the electricity or other resources needed to do your laundry by machine, then you’ll need to do laundry by hand. It will take extra work, but you’ll find you can get your clothes very clean. Laundering clothes frequently is especially crucial in the event of a pandemic that’s viral in nature. You […]
Know How to Hunt and Fish for Your Family If a Pandemic Lasts Longer
Everyone hopes that when a pandemic hits, it will be over quickly. But a pandemic isn’t something that can always be charted precisely. They can last for a few weeks, a few months or stretch toward a year or more before it’s brought under control. Regardless of how prepared you are with your food supply, you should always take into consideration that something could happen to that supply. In the event that something does go wrong and you run short on supplies or your food supply is destroyed, you may not be able to bring more in the way you […]
Is the Government Being Upfront About the Ebola Risks
The latest Ebola virus is one of the worst outbreaks to date. The virus left its country of origin and spread to other countries including the heavily populated area of Nigeria. Many deaths have been reported there. The public is being assured that the risk of the Ebola virus becoming a significant threat in more countries is minimal. They’re saying this because the government has stated the virus is only contagious through contact with body fluids. Ebola is an airborne disease However, the Ebola virus is somewhat airborne now, even though it’s officially listed as non airborne. It can be […]
How to Quarantine Your Family During an Outbreak
Photo courtesy During a disease outbreak, you may need to quarantine your family to keep disease from entering into your home. But it’s difficult to quarantine your family if you don’t have supplies on-hand to survive during a long period of time. You may also encounter a situation where you have a sick family member that needs to be quarantined from the rest of the household. If you don’t come in close contact with a virus, you can’t get sick from it. The purpose of quarantine, then, is to prevent the possibility of coming into contact with a virus […]