emergency management / 2 posts found
What is emergency management?
Emergency management can only become effective if there is unity in an organization’s disaster management team. It is said to be the core of the company’s survival in case of crisis, a school’s first aid during an emergency or the only lifeline for your family during a disaster. Although the risks involved are vast and the cost of planning is enormous, your team can actually make the most out of your disaster planning by identifying common problems and challenges. If the organization fails to identify and deal with these problems accordingly, the disaster plan itself can even become a risk. […]
Lightning Emergency Management
Preparing the Family With Lightning Emergency Management Emergency management is also called disaster management. It is the discipline or system of managing and preventing the risks brought about by economic or organizational crisis, natural and accidental disasters. Emergency management is a very complex process. It involves rebuilding, supporting and preparing the society when human-caused or natural catastrophes occur such as typhoon, hurricanes, earthquake or even common the common lightning storm. The disabled community is also given special attention especially when it comes to evacuation. In the State of Colorado, United States of America, lightning is the number 1 killer. In […]