finding water / 2 posts found
Water is Paramount to Your Survival
Every cell and organ in your body needs water to continue working properly. Water leaves the body when you sweat and breathe, so you have to keep replenishing and drinking throughout the day. Dehydration can cause fatigue, dry mouth, and headaches. It can also cause dizziness and lightheadedness, which can be mistaken as signs someone is getting sick. When it comes to survival, the top of your list should always be marked for water. It’s important that you have enough to survive on in the case of a pandemic and you should make sure that you have it stored correctly. […]
Family Survival Guide: Finding Water in the Wild
Surviving in the wild is a no reality TV adventure. According to US stats, there have been a significant number of deaths related to being lost in the woods or wilderness. Family members, particularly, love to spend holidays nature trekking. But how do you find food and survive in a place there are no faucets, no department stores, and no cell phone signals, if lost in the wilderness, what is your family survival guide. Are you even prepared? Here are some practical tips In order for your family to survive in the wilderness, here are some practical tips you can […]