first-aid kit / 3 posts found
The Best Things to Have in Your First Aid Kit During a Pandemic
The ready-made kits that you can buy at the store or online are packed with the basic items needed during a regular first aid emergency situation. They are not prepared for pandemics, so you’ll need to make sure that your kit has what will come in handy during a viral health situation like bird flu or Ebola. Every first aid kit should have at least the basics when you buy it – but you can build onto that kit by adding what it’s lacking. You can find some first aid kits that are specifically built for pandemic use – or […]
Contents of a First Aid Kit
What is a first aid kit A first aid kit is a helpful and important item in homes and for outdoor adventures. It contains a set of medical supplies and other items for medical emergency. Homes should have a first aid kit. A homemade kit can contain various medical supplies obtained differently. Although pharmacies or stores offer first-aid kits, they may contain low-quality and lesser amount of items. These kits may contain items for treating minor injuries. A home made kit can be customized It could contain more than the required medical supplies. However, the amount of items that can […]
The Significance of Emergency Kit
An emergency kit can contain essential items used in a particular occasion and for emergency purpose. Travelers normally bring an emergency kit that contains money, first-aid kit, flashlight and batteries, candles, waterproof matches, can opener, canned and packed food and potable water. Emergency Kit At Home An emergency kit can also be prepared in homes by homeowners. It could contain the basic necessities, tools and equipment that can be used in times of emergency or calamity. An emergency kit can compose of a storage bag containing the basic entities. It may also contain first aid kit, essential equipment that can […]