The Significance of Emergency Kit
An emergency kit can contain essential items used in a particular occasion and for emergency purpose. Travelers normally bring an emergency kit that contains money, first-aid kit, flashlight and batteries, candles, waterproof matches, can opener, canned and packed food and potable water.
Emergency Kit At Home
An emergency kit can also be prepared in homes by homeowners. It could contain the basic necessities, tools and equipment that can be used in times of emergency or calamity. An emergency kit can compose of a storage bag containing the basic entities. It may also contain first aid kit, essential equipment that can be used in calamities or during dark periods and communication devices. The size of the kit may vary depending on the number of items that can be stored.
In Times of Calamities
An emergency kit is very important in times of calamities where people are confined in their houses for a few days or staying in an evacuation center. Individuals should prepare the emergency kit that can be used for a minimum of three days. It should also be stored safely and securely. An emergency kit is significant for the survival of a person, a group of persons or a family in times of disasters.
Emergency Kit versus Survival Kit
An emergency kit is similar to a survival kit. Perhaps, the two are interchangeable terms although military operations prefer to call the items packed and stored for emergency uses as survival kits. Meanwhile, campers use the term bug-out bags for emergency kits or survival kits. Homeowners may prefer to name the collection of items for emergency uses as emergency kit.
An emergency kit can be customized according to the needs of the users. It may include more than just the basic necessities. However, the things that can be stored should be essential and usable.
Preparing the emergency kit
To be prepared in times of disasters is a helpful attitude to have. Preparing the emergency kit is one of the helpful ways to overcome the challenges in a survival situation. Aside from the emergency kit, individuals may also have to make an emergency plan.
Make an Emergency Plan
An emergency plan can be made for an individual or for the family. It helps a person or a family the proper things to do in case of an emergency. Making an emergency plan may just take less than an hour. The plan may include health information, contact persons and numbers, and list of risks in the region. What is integrated in the plan may differ depending on the person making it. The plan can be best posted on the wall. It could also be placed in an emergency note.
Survival is one of the basic concerns of men. People have to survive different challenges in order to live. The advancement of civilization can provide men the greater chance and opportunities to survive and improve standard of living. However, in a survival situation people.