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Ebola Virus

Ebola Virus / 13 posts found

How Ebola Is Spread

by Craig
There are numerous ways that you can contract the Ebola virus and many ways that it can be spread. That’s one of the reasons why it’s been so difficult to contain. The Myths Most people mistakenly think that the only way the virus can be spread is through direct contact with someone else who’s symptomatic. Direct human contact is only one of the ways the virus is spread. Surfaces are the second way. The virus is tough enough to live on surfaces as long as 48 hours if the conditions are right for its survival. It doesn’t usually survive long […]

Symptoms of Ebola Virus

by Craig
Symptoms #1 Flu-like One of the reasons that Ebola is so frightening is because it can mimic the flu at first. Most people won’t go see the doctor when they experience flu-like symptoms. They’ll wait a couple of days to see if they get any better. And because this virus has no cure, that makes it even more dangerous. At the first start of the virus, you may notice that you just feel “off.” Symptoms #2 Headache You might have a headache ranging from mild to severe. Achy muscles are another symptom. Having a lower backache is also a common […]

Ebola Facts and Possibilities

by Craig
The name for the Ebola virus is derived from the Ebola River due to the location of the first outbreaks in the mid 70s. It’s being called an Ebola crisis because of the sheer number of deaths the outbreak has caused. Experts are telling people not to worry, that there’s virtually no chance the outbreak will spread to other countries. They’re saying that no other countries will face the epidemic like the one being experienced in its country of origin. But these same experts said the same thing about other epidemics and yet they spread from their country of origin. […]