Have a Supply of Natural Herbs
Vitamins are extremely helpful to have when a pandemic hits, but you also want to have a supply of natural herbs to help keep you healthy. While prescription antibiotics can be helpful, there are two reasons you don’t want to depend on them during a pandemic.
The first is because you might not have any access to them. If there are still doctors’ offices and hospitals in operation near you, you’ll have to go there to get the antibiotic if there are even any medications to be had.
Don’t rely so much with antibiotics
So you can’t depend on that. Secondly, antibiotics have been prescribed to the point that they don’t often work that well any more. This over-prescribing is one of the reasons we have many of the super bugs that are in existence today.
Plus, these antibiotics don’t just kill off bad bacteria in your body – they also kill off good bacteria. And you need those to help keep your immune system working the way it should.
So it’s sort of a catch-22. You might not realize that many of the ailments you seek a doctor’s input on can be effectively treated by using things in nature. For example, honey is a natural antibiotic that contains antibacterial properties.
Use raw honey
You would have to use raw honey rather than any processed kind you’d find in the store. Honey is something that fights a multitude of infections and can even be used to aid in the healing of wounds.
Turmeric is also used to help heal wounds. It packs a double healing punch because it contains both anti-inflammatory abilities as well as anti-bacterial properties.
It’s even been used to treat skin staph infections such as MRSA that can be a pretty serious infection. If you’re looking for a natural antibiotic, you can turn to oil of oregano.
This oil has antibacterial properties and is also used as an antiseptic. Natural herbs that have antiseptic and antibacterial properties are important during a pandemic because they can help keep your immune system boosted up at optimal levels without you having to resort to man-made antibiotics that could weaken your system.
A weakened system is a good target of diseases
A weakened system could be easier prey for the Ebola virus. When you need treatment for a fungal condition, instead of going to the doctor, you can use garlic.
This herb has been widely known to treat fungal infections. Since the flu and colds will still be going strong during a pandemic, you want to have something natural on-hand to treat those to feel better fast.
Ginseng is an herb that not only boosts the immune system, but it can also help those who have diabetes. Echinacea is an herb that’s can also be used to fight off infections that are caused by bacteria.
There will be colds and skin infections during a pandemic and there will also be eye problems. Pink eye will more than likely be something that people have to battle – and just like with other health issues, you don’t want to go to an eye doctor and end up in a hot zone.
So what you can do is use the herb calendula. This comes from the marigold plant and has been used to naturally treat eye infections. So you want to stock up on this herbal remedy.
Intestinal upset may become common during a pandemic because of having to adjust to a new way of eating. Plus, stress won’t help calm your insides, either. To deal with gastrointestinal infections, you can use cloves to kill off the bad bacteria.
Lemon balm for stomache
For upset stomachs, lemon balm can be taken to alleviate symptoms. You can use licorice roots if you’re dealing with an ulcer. This herb can rid your body of the bacteria commonly known to cause ulcers.
If you have an ear infection, you can use the herb mullein. These are just a few of the thousands of herbs that can be used to help you keep up your health during a pandemic.
Some of the herbs are taken internally and some are used externally. For example, if you have a skin infection, you’ll want to apply the correct herb to your skin as a poultice.
But many of these herbs are boiled and made into teas that can be taken internally. You should know about herbs, their side effects and the dosage amount before you take any of them.
Some herbs can’t be mixed with other herbs or combined with any prescription medications you may already be taking. Study the common herbal remedies and invest in a book that teaches you how to create tinctures and teas.
Then, order the herbs in their dried or fresh form. You might even consider growing some of them indoors or outdoors for your own pandemic survival needs.