Treatment for Ailments to Avoid Hot Zones
It’s so ingrained in people to head to the store or the doctor when they need treatment for ailments that when they need it, they go right then and there. During normal life, that’s fine – but when there’s a pandemic, that action could introduce them to the Ebola virus.
It’s foolish to head right into the hot zone where all of the other potentially sick people are – just because you don’t have what you need at home. That’s why it’s so important that you take stock of what you have and begin to set aside a supply of items right now to take care of your family’s medical needs.
It would be a shame to go to the store just to get medication for a headache and come down with the Ebola virus when it’s so easy to just take care of that now before you have a need for it.
That means you need to stockpile and to put some supplies in storage. Buy these items in bulk as quickly as you can afford them.
Preventative Steps for Ailments
When it comes to ailments, you want to be on the offense. Don’t wait until an ailment arrives and then treat it. Only do that if you have to. Instead, it’s always best if you try to head it off before it becomes an issue.
Taking preventative measures can often keep you from needing any care at all. That way, not only do you feel better because you’re staying healthy, but you minimize stress and the need for medication.
Stored plenty of vitamins
One of the best preventative steps you can take is to load up on vitamins. What vitamins do is boost your immune system. Any vitamin or mineral that your body may be lacking can cause your immune system to not be able to fight off illnesses – and that includes the Ebola virus.
So you need to make sure that you stay in optimal health. To do this, your body must have a balance of the vitamins and minerals it needs to be able to function the way it should.
You want to stock up on vitamins right now to keep yourself healthy enough to keep medical issues at bay. The reason that most people fail to stock up on vitamins is because they feel that they eat healthy enough foods so that their body gets what it needs from whatever they consume.
But what they don’t realize is that when a pandemic hits, not only do store shelves clear, but new foods are too late in coming or can’t even get through. So what happens is you may not have access to the same level of healthy foods that will give you the vitamins you need.
Plan for the worst case scenario
That’s why it’s so important to plan ahead for the worst case scenario. Even if it doesn’t happen, you’re not doing harm by being prepared, but it would be disastrous if you weren’t prepared.
What you want to look for right now is quantity. The more the merrier when it comes to having vitamins onhand. These will usually last for multiple years, too – even beyond the expiration date on the containers.
Those big bottles of multivitamins that you see on shelves at the store or the find online are among some of the best for lasting you for longer periods and they’re fairly easy to stockpile in bulk.
You’ll want to look for vitamins that will give you the highest recommended daily amount of each important vitamin and mineral. You’ll want to make sure that you stock up on vitamins for your kids and any pet medicines, too.
Vitamins you need
If you decide to go with individual vitamins rather than multi ones, make sure that you stockpile plenty in each category – but especially in vitamin C and D and the B vitamins.
You’ll also want to be sure that you have folate and zinc. The reason that you especially want to keep zinc around is because zinc can be used to help curb diarrhea and it can used to keep a cold at bay.
Without enough zinc in your body, it makes you more likely to be a target for illnesses. Since you don’t want to go visit the doctor and encounter any sick people during a pandemic, make sure that you also have a good supply of prescription drugs and any prescription topical medications that are needed.
What doctors often do is prescribe only three months of medication at a time. Then, before you can get a refill, you have to go back and see the doctor before he’ll give you one.
To avoid that, talk to your doctor now about giving you at least a six month to a year supply. Many doctors will do this if you use a mail order pharmacy.