emergency kit / 5 posts found
Treatment for Ailments to Avoid Hot Zones
It’s so ingrained in people to head to the store or the doctor when they need treatment for ailments that when they need it, they go right then and there. During normal life, that’s fine – but when there’s a pandemic, that action could introduce them to the Ebola virus. It’s foolish to head right into the hot zone where all of the other potentially sick people are – just because you don’t have what you need at home. That’s why it’s so important that you take stock of what you have and begin to set aside a supply of […]
Emergency Preparedness Kit: Lifeline during Disaster
Emergency Preparedness Kit: Lifeline during Disaster During an emergency situation or a disaster, it is very helpful to have an extra supply of survival materials. A supply of survival materials may include, first aid kits, medicines, food and water primarily and even money. It is also ideal to have supplies sufficient for the next seventy two hours, equivalent to three days, while other members of the family, rescuers or emergency responders are focusing their attention to people with urgent necessities. Whatever the nature of the emergency situation, it is best to keep an emergency kit always. Surprisingly, the items […]
Before, During And After Disaster Preparedness Tips
Disaster can strike anytime Disaster can strike anytime. And worse is if it strikes you and your family, the damages could be overwhelming. Emergency plans and effective disaster management is just some of the best ways you can prepare your folks from the worst case scenarios. But what if all emergency skills you have been learning are applicable only prior to a disaster occurrence. Would you know how to deal, respond and survive during and after a disaster? As a protector of your family, learn these before, during and after disaster preparedness tips. Photo Credit Prepare Your Emergency Kit A […]
How to Survive on Your Own
Solo survival is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you don’t have to worry about the well-being and safety of other people traveling with you. Nobody slows you down and nobody can accidentally leave you behind — or end up getting left behind. On the other hand, everything you do has to be done on your own. Nobody will be able to help you share the workload. Nobody will be there to keep watch as you sleep. Here are some guidelines for successfully surviving by yourself. Be self-sufficient Since you’ll be traveling by yourself, you must carry […]