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earthquake / 3 posts found

Emergency Planning: Focusing on Preparation

Emergency Planning: Focusing on Preparation Have you been asked by these questions before? What”s inside your fridge right now? Is your dog food or cat food edible by humans? Do you have an emergency meeting place for your family? Who ís going to get your kids in school, in case, you did not make it? Do you even have dogs at home? Well, these questions could be some what intimidating, privacy intruding, and all the more, unusual for you to answer. But, if you are familiar with emergency planning, you will instantly know that the inquirer may be talking your […]

Emergency Preparedness Items: Earthquake Survival Kit

by Craig
Emergency preparedness items have become a staple supply in many homes in the United States. Many home owners have now realized the importance of getting prepared for the worse times and as they always say, better be safe than sorry. You have gathered in your customized bag all necessary emergency preparedness items: flashlights, matches, food, water, radio, medicine, blankets, tools, keys and cash. But what if something’s missing or lacking in your emergency preparedness items? What if you are living in an earthquake-prone region? Are your items considered to be a good earthquake survival kit? Earthquakes may happen anytime Although […]

What is emergency management?

Emergency management can only become effective if there is unity in an organization’s disaster management team. It is said to be the core of the company’s survival in case of crisis, a school’s first aid during an emergency or the only lifeline for your family during a disaster. Although the risks involved are vast and the cost of planning is enormous, your team can actually make the most out of your disaster planning by identifying common problems and challenges. If the organization fails to identify and deal with these problems accordingly, the disaster plan itself can even become a risk. […]