The Elite Survivalist
Brands of Hiking Backpacks for Outdoor Adventure
A hiking backpack A hiking backpack is an important component in some wilderness adventures like mountaineering, camping, skiing or going for a short trip. Tourists may likely bring a hiking backpack that can store the necessary materials such as clothing, water storage container, survival kits and other things deemed necessary for a short trip. Comes with different designs A hiking backpack can be of different designs, sizes and component materials. They are mostly used for outdoor pursuits and should be durable enough to carry a heavy load of materials needed by campers and tourists. There are different brands and manufacturers […]
Contents of a First Aid Kit
What is a first aid kit A first aid kit is a helpful and important item in homes and for outdoor adventures. It contains a set of medical supplies and other items for medical emergency. Homes should have a first aid kit. A homemade kit can contain various medical supplies obtained differently. Although pharmacies or stores offer first-aid kits, they may contain low-quality and lesser amount of items. These kits may contain items for treating minor injuries. A home made kit can be customized It could contain more than the required medical supplies. However, the amount of items that can […]
The Basics of Crisis Management
What is crisis management? As experts state, crisis in an organization, a nation, business, family or in a relationship is unpredictable. It comes in times when you are actually best prepared or, worse, least prepared. Crisis may come in many forms, fiscal, relational or natural. And often times when not prepared, dealt and responded accordingly a crisis could lead to a catastrophe. Crisis however is never unexpected, which definitely suggests that people in an organization, business, government, family or relationship know the risks and the incidents that may occur. Also called incident management This is in this light that crisis […]
Earthquake Survival: What To Do During A Quake?
You Cannot Hide From Earthquakes When you feel that the surrounding is rattling and the house is shaking in unusually, you know that something is wrong underneath the earth’s surface. Quakes or earthquakes are without a doubt one of the most dreaded natural disasters. In fact, it’s even worse than typhoons or hurricanes. Although seismographs can detect the slightest changes in the movement of the earth, it cannot however allow people to migrate or evacuate when worse quakes suddenly occur. Unlike typhoons, for which weather predictions can warn people of incoming atmospheric disturbances, people cannot hide from earthquakes. Earthquake Survival […]
Disaster Recovery Plan – Preventing Massive Data Loss
Have you ever experienced losing something of a massive scale? How about experiencing software crash in your office? How about losing your most treasured collection of mp3s and images after a malware or computer virus bugged down your PC’s hard disk? Avoid Data Deletion Well most companies actually don’t mourn on the loss of one of their major structures or buildings or even inventory. Large companies that breathe on data are more cautious of huge information theft or, worse, accidental data deletion. For these companies, a disaster recovery plan is never complete without a comprehensive back up of their database. […]
The Significance of Emergency Kit
An emergency kit can contain essential items used in a particular occasion and for emergency purpose. Travelers normally bring an emergency kit that contains money, first-aid kit, flashlight and batteries, candles, waterproof matches, can opener, canned and packed food and potable water. Emergency Kit At Home An emergency kit can also be prepared in homes by homeowners. It could contain the basic necessities, tools and equipment that can be used in times of emergency or calamity. An emergency kit can compose of a storage bag containing the basic entities. It may also contain first aid kit, essential equipment that can […]
Before, During And After Disaster Preparedness Tips
Disaster can strike anytime Disaster can strike anytime. And worse is if it strikes you and your family, the damages could be overwhelming. Emergency plans and effective disaster management is just some of the best ways you can prepare your folks from the worst case scenarios. But what if all emergency skills you have been learning are applicable only prior to a disaster occurrence. Would you know how to deal, respond and survive during and after a disaster? As a protector of your family, learn these before, during and after disaster preparedness tips. Photo Credit Prepare Your Emergency Kit A […]