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Treating the Isolation Patient of Ebola Virus

Treating the Isolation Patient of Ebola Virus

by Craig

No one should be allowed to leave the tents once they’re quarantined. If you’re the patient, you should make sure you stay put for the required three week period.

The Ebola virus is a very serious virus

The Ebola virus is a very serious virus and should be treated as such. No matter how much you or other family members or friends care about the person who may be ill, now is not the time to allow visitors.

This means that if the person is able to care for his or her needs on their own, they should do that. However, if they’re not able to take care of their needs, then only one person should enter into the tent to treat them.

The person who is helping to treat the one who’s ill should follow the same stringent isolation rules as is set up in a hospital. You shouldn’t touch the person without gloves.

Wearing gloves is very crucial

You also should not touch anything the patient touches unless you’re wearing gloves. You shouldn’t enter the tent at all, not even for a second without a hazmat suit on and without a mouth mask to protect your mouth and nose from breathing anything in.

Since Ebola is transmitted through bodily fluids, you need your body protected from coming in contact with splashes of body fluid. You can use duct tape if you need to so that you can make sure your suit has no way for the virus to enter.

This means you can duct tape it at the wrists, the suit collar and where the pants of the suit reach the boots. Do not allow the suit to touch any part of the ground. You can pick up the virus from splashed body fluids that land on the floor of the tent if your suit rakes across it.

By now, everyone in the world has probably seen the photographs that were taken in the host country where the Ebola virus often rages and takes life after life.

These photos showed images of protective gear placed on sticks and standing out in the sun to dry. This is a very primitive attempt to contain the virus and cross contamination using these methods of sanitation is highly likely.

So don’t reuse any hazmat materials unless you have an extremely stringent decontamination method in place. Since most people aren’t prepared to properly decontaminate things, you’ll want to have a good supply of disposable hazmat gear.

Wear any shoe boots

Besides the suits, mouth masks and gloves, there are other protective items to wear in the tent when treating people who are possibly ill with the virus. You’ll want to have any shoes boots you wear completely covered by a protective cover.

It’s best to wear high top boots than low open shoes when treating someone showing symptoms of the Ebola virus. Inside the tent, to help aid you in caring for the patient, you’ll want to have plenty of soap on hand to clean your hands, even with the gloves on.

Use hand sanitizer on top of soap when cleaning your hands afterwards. When treating the patient, don’t use thermometers you have to cleanse and reuse. Instead, use the ones you can check the temperature on and then dispose of.

Disinfect your environment

Use Lysol and bleach to clean any areas inside the tent that need to be cleaned. What the patient lies on matters, too. You should not allow the patient to lie on a cot or bed in the tent that’s not covered with a clear, protective covering.

The virus can live on surfaces – even on cloth surfaces like a mattress or the foam of a cot. Keep a supply of trash bags in the tent so that you can dispose of any items you use to treat the patient.

Once you leave the tent, you should strip off the hazmat suit and protective gear and dispose of it before you step foot inside your home. It’s helpful and the safest bet for you to have a decontamination shower outside your home if you can possibly afford that.

Decontamination showers can run anywhere from $700 dollars to almost $5,000 depending on the type that you buy. If you opt for a casualty shower or one used by organizations, you can expect to spend $8,000 to just over $25,000.

What do you do for a patient who has Ebola?

You can’t cure it, so all you can do is support the patient and hope they recover. Dehydration is horrible, so make sure you replenish fluids and provide them with electrolytes.

Blood pressure can become abnormal, so increase oxygen supplies and help steady their blood pressure to normal capacity. Watch for any signs of additional illness and keep them as comfortable and as clean as possible.


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