The Elite Survivalist

Steps to Quarantine Ebola Virus Patients

by Craig
Whenever someone who’s even suspected of having the Ebola virus much less showing symptoms shows up at the hospital, the staff there immediately takes steps to put that person into quarantine. Avoiding general public Once the person is put into quarantine, strict precautions are taken and that person is not allowed to mix with the general public for the safety of others. The medical staff doesn’t want that person causing another swell of infections to begin. That’s why it’s important that you have a quarantine plan already in place so that you’ll know which steps to follow to protect yourself. […]

Opt for Isolation as Much as Possible

by Craig
One thing that the experts with this latest outbreak are trying to get people to grasp is that the Ebola virus spreads like wildfire, often outrunning any efforts to impede it because people with light symptoms are in contact with people who don’t have it yet. So it becomes a vicious cycle and it won’t end until the flow of people passing it to one another is somehow broken. But of course, the people who don’t have it, often get it because the infected ones don’t always know that they are infected. They keep on going about their daily life, […]

Survival Food Storage

by Craig
You want to stockpile food while there’s still time. The stuff that you get from the grocery store isn’t going to last forever, but there are ways you can store food so that it keeps for several years and helps you and your family survive. If you start now, you can have your supply onhand before there’s a rush on grocery stores and the supplies you want are gone. The way that you store food will determine if it will make it for the long haul or not. Food can keep in dry, cool storage for many years – even […]

Hidden Gardens Can Save Your Lives

by Craig
When a pandemic hits, life can quickly get into an uproar. The risk of martial law is high because ordinary citizens will often become desperate in their attempts to get what they need to survive. This means that people who would normally obey the laws of the land won’t – because they’ll be looking for a way to survive, too. The unprepared won’t hesitate to come after the goods of the prepared. Don’t Get Obvious That You Are Prepared So you don’t want to make it obvious that you’re well prepared for an outbreak. These kind of gardens blend in […]

Indoor Survival Garden

by Craig
Growing food indoors helps you be able to keep an eye on the growth rate and watch out for any potential risks. It’s one of the easiest ways to grow food. There are some foods you can grow indoor that you want to pay special attention to because of the way the foods can help strengthen your immune system. Blueberries: An indoor fruits You’ll find many of these foods in the fruit family. One of these foods you can grow indoors is blueberries. Blueberry plants can grow to a good height, so you’ll need some room – but what they […]

How Ebola Is Spread

by Craig
There are numerous ways that you can contract the Ebola virus and many ways that it can be spread. That’s one of the reasons why it’s been so difficult to contain. The Myths Most people mistakenly think that the only way the virus can be spread is through direct contact with someone else who’s symptomatic. Direct human contact is only one of the ways the virus is spread. Surfaces are the second way. The virus is tough enough to live on surfaces as long as 48 hours if the conditions are right for its survival. It doesn’t usually survive long […]

Symptoms of Ebola Virus

by Craig
Symptoms #1 Flu-like One of the reasons that Ebola is so frightening is because it can mimic the flu at first. Most people won’t go see the doctor when they experience flu-like symptoms. They’ll wait a couple of days to see if they get any better. And because this virus has no cure, that makes it even more dangerous. At the first start of the virus, you may notice that you just feel “off.” Symptoms #2 Headache You might have a headache ranging from mild to severe. Achy muscles are another symptom. Having a lower backache is also a common […]

Ebola Facts and Possibilities

by Craig
The name for the Ebola virus is derived from the Ebola River due to the location of the first outbreaks in the mid 70s. It’s being called an Ebola crisis because of the sheer number of deaths the outbreak has caused. Experts are telling people not to worry, that there’s virtually no chance the outbreak will spread to other countries. They’re saying that no other countries will face the epidemic like the one being experienced in its country of origin. But these same experts said the same thing about other epidemics and yet they spread from their country of origin. […]

Zika Virus Infection

by Craig
It would be comforting to believe that the Zika virus is something that’s elsewhere – where we don’t have to deal with. Unfortunately, it’s right in our backyard now, so you have to be ready to survive this new reality. The virus is no longer contained in its original outbreak area and it has some nasty health effects – especially for pregnant women. This virus is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito that carries the virus. Zika Virus Is Not New While there’s been more outcry about it lately than ever before, this virus isn’t new. It’s been in […]

What Is Stricter Laws

by Craig
What the people want doesn’t always matter. That’s been proven time and again in history. Though there are many people who are against stricter gun laws, changes are coming. People Control These changes are not completely about gun control, they’re about people control and the freedoms that are going to be lost with stricter control. When stricter gun laws are put into effect, what’s going to happen is what’s already happening. Criminals are still going to be able to get their hands on guns and whatever ammunition they want to hurt law-abiding citizens. But in the meantime, the government will […]